

This place is just for fun and for posting some fun stuff that I like such as my maps I make for Doom, Duke 3D, Turok, photoshop/art, collective stuff, random blogs, interviews, and game reviews of games I enjoy. My favorite games are Doom, Turok, Duke Nukem, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Wolfenstein, Rott, and many other classic FPS games. I also enjoy other games especially from the N64/Snes time and even new games. I love classic FPS games the most and I’ve been playing them since about 1997.

Level Designer/Game Tester/Creator of Turok Forums. I also have a day job as an estimator which limits my time but I always try to keep up to date with what I’m into at the times.

I am a mapper in anything from Duke Nukem 3D, Doombuilder, Turok EX editors, Doom 3, and Udk4. I am still in learning with the latter though. Level design is one of my passions. When you imagine an area or place and you create it, its still amazing to me to see the creation take action. At times its like an art but its all just good fun.

The Turok Forums were created because it was hard for me to find Turok fans and I didn’t feel there was one place for all the fans to meet. That made me feel motivated to create a place and hope there are other fans out there. Then we could discuss anything about Turok. Talking about it on other forums was not enough for me so yes I created the forum can belong to the members!


Have a look around or maybe try and suggest a game/mod/port you think I would like.






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