Halloween Episode

Haunted Nukem: Episode

Released: Download here http://www.moddb.com/mods/haunted-nukem


Info: I am interested in seeing if a few mappers would like to join me on this project. I have three maps already done. There may be 4-5 maps in total when I am done 🙂 There is a few new textures I have put together from Blood, Shadow Warrior, and a few from Redneck Rampage. We will write our own story surrounding the theme of being Haunted. The episode will then be put in episode form . I am looking for anything haunted from hotels, bars, towns, rooftops and anything you can think of!

Story: Duke starts off in one of his rooms and he can see himself still sleeping. So he is having an out of body experience, what he does not realize is how much blood lies ahead. Duke has to take the (blood) elevators down to the core of the horror and stop the beast.  This will be made to have more depth as the maps come out! This way I can match it up while giving a freelance feel to possible mappers. Write the story with the maps.

New Weapons: 

1.Blood Shotgun

2.Blood Tommy Gun

3.Custom wood grip DN64 Pistol (by me)

Requirements!  (read all)

*Map must be dark, scary, bloody, or hellafied. Though does not have to be all.

*Wall limits minimum 2k maximum 5k (Halloween is not far no need for pressure) build with ease and fun.

*Enemies must be pal 24

*Must use the new textures an sprites to fit with the rest of the maps.  Though Duke textures are perfectly fine and encouraged (if you have the skill to combine them in a way that fits) 😛

*Must have some quality details- Not to sound rude the quality detail is only my opinion in this case and shouldn’t be taken harsh if its not the particular style. Please don’t let this make you feel nervous as this project is for fun.

*Maps must be done by 10-1-15 and latest of 10-15-15. The due date would be best so it gives me a chance to properly organize.

*Must make the map finish with a lo tag on a circular sector with the blood texture . As seen in the picture below (no nuke buttons) This is used to end the map and start the next map. Each map needs to start with this elevator going down.


Some notes

-I will be responsible for matching the maps in an order that is relative to another. With a little story that matches.

-Few new textures from Blood, RR, and SW placed in tiles15 art file So the maps will also work on Megaton as long as we include this file.

-The art file does not replace any Duke textures (Megaton users won’t ever have to remove file since its only an addition)

Some pictures

Please keep in mind the brightness has been lifted for easier viewing on some.  These maps are pretty much done I just plan to add some shading to walls and other things and there done 🙂









Finally if you are interested contact me on steam or Duke4


Categories: Duke Nukem, My Maps, Projects

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