Duke 3D Mapping notes from years ago

I had to store some of my stuff at my mom’s house about 10 years ago. The kids were taking up all my spaces and getting into my stuff lol. My mom is moving to a new house and wanted me to clear out my stuff that’s been sitting for years today.

It was definitely a trip down memory lane for me(and I’m not done yet). As I had so much stuff that I’d forgotten about. So many collectibles and other neat stuff. But one thing that hit me hard was my old mapping notes.

It’s really ironic because I was just talking about this. I had no idea that today I would stumble upon my similar workflow from years ago. My mom is moving in like 2 weeks so I have to start now. Today was the first day of of going through everything. It really gives insights on yourself to look back as such.

I’ll show some images of my mapping notes from 10 years ago lol.

I know it looks like a maniac wrote them lol. But I was speed writing and not even looking. I honestly don’t even know lol.

Categories: Duke Nukem, My Maps

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