Turok Dinosaur Hunter exporting models (all nodes)

TDH GUIDESa_modelnodes-1

Small guide on how to export the models for your viewing. The models are packaged inside .bin files. Which is simply a file that has 1 or more objects in each model. The .bin packages them as one. So we need to open the .bin files to extract the obj files from it.

1.) Go inside your game.kpf

2.) Open the models folder and pick the model you want. (Here in my example I will just use the knife)

3.) Make a copy of the .bin file

Here I am copying my choice dyn_knife.bin

4.) Paste the copy of the .bin file directly into Turoks game directory.

5.) Launch Turok and at the main menu open the console by pressing the ~ key.

6.) In the console you need to type exportobj (then insert your file name) and hit enter

Example for me using the knife I must do:

exportobj dyn_knife.bin (hit enter)

(be sure to put a space between exportobj and your model choice)

7.) Once you do this you can exit the game and in your Turok folder directory (steam or gog) you should have the file and models ready for view in your choice of software. I use blender and misfit 3d. They should be in your folder like this after the console command.

This obj file can be opened in most model software.

Here it is opened in blender

Since we did exportobj we will have access to all node parts (pieces of the model)

If you want control over the model as one hole object I will write this in another guide.

Categories: Turok, Turok Dinosaur Hunter Guides

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5 replies

  1. sorry, it`s doesnt work 😦 can someone put converted obj somewhere?


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